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There are more than 50 stone benches located throughout The Gardens, each one handcrafted by the Ohme Family. Many offer inspiring views of the valley; others are in quiet corners of the Gardens. Benches may be "adopted" and dedicated in memory of a loved one or sponsored by a family or business to celebrate a special occasion or commemorate an important milestone.

A sponsorship will last ten (10) years (with the option to renew) and will be recognized by a plaque on the sponsorship board at the entrance to the Gardens and on the Ohme Gardens website.

You can sponsor a bench by purchasing a special transferable “Bench Pass” which allows free admission to The Gardens for the ten (10) year term of the sponsorship. The number of admissions per pass is based on the bench value. Please email for a list of which benches are available for sponsorship.

All funds raised through the "Adopt-a-Bench" program will go to the preservation and enhancement of Ohme Gardens.  

A map showing the location of each bench is available here.

Ohme Gardens County Park is a department of the County of Chelan, a political subdivision of Washington State. All funds donated to Ohme Gardens are used solely for public purposes.